Target WG members: experts with a biological/industrial background, experts in the fields of ethics in science and experts with legal background and from downstream value-chain industries.
WG4 aims to enable the marine biotech innovation value chains through knowledge sharing and transfer aiming at 3 levels:
- L1: Legal aspects as the backbone for market uptake of results.
- L2: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), for protecting intellectual property and initial investments
- L3: Ethics in research conduct, behaviour, and public opinion, and through the application of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
The knowledge sharing and transfer will be achieved through three workshops (W) will be organized:
- W1: in year 1 of the project highlighting the essentials of patent research and patenting options for scientists.
- W2 in year 2 of the project presents the most important policy documents and ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation topics necessary for marine biotechnology scientists and industrial partners.
- W3 in year 3 will tackle the ethics in marine biotechnology development field.