On June 23 2021 Ocean4Biotech organized WG2 and WG4 joint workshop entiteled:”Tools for successful Marine Biotechnology Innovations Webinar”. The focus of the workshop was on intelectual property management, patenting and
Ocean4Biotech organizes first training school! Check the program, apply and lets meet in Portugal.
Ocean4Biotech invites you to participate in the hackathon. We need you in the process of creation of a European Marine Biotechnology Innovation Ecosystem of Excellence!
Ocean4Biotech member Irem Deniz (Turkey) introduces a self-sustaining, green solution for buildings of the new generation.
Ocean4Biotech member Francesco Buonocore (Italy) presents interesting and promising findings on fighting bacteria which are becoming resistant to the antibiotics.
Representatives from five Ocean4Biotech member countries took part as a presenters in the “Integrated advanced training course on Blue Biotechnologies, Aquatic products and Blue Bio-economy“. Ocean4Biotech MC Chair Ana Rotter
We are very proud to present an article on marine biotechnologies prepared by Ocean4Biotech team. You are invited to read it and to gain new knowledge or to refresh the ones you already have.
The António Coutinho Science Awards call is open now! Deadline to apply: 30 April 2021.
Creators from all over the world are invited to participate in the contest to create video for promotion of EU-funded projects related to jellyfish and usage of marine resources.
Postdoctoral researcher Nathalia Nocchi from Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) had a STSM in the NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal).