Call for expression of interest

Creators from all over the world are invited to participate in the contest to create video for promotion of EU-funded projects related to jellyfish and usage of marine resources.

STSM at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Postdoctoral researcher Nathalia Nocchi from Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) had a STSM in the NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal).

STSM at Kapodistrian University of Athens!

PhD student Federica Montesanto from University of Bari (Italy) performed STSM at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Season’s Greetings

Ocean4biotech wishes safe, healthy and happy Festive season.

STSM at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Postdoctoral researcher Sara Garcia Davis from Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) was awarded to STSM at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.

Advanced training on Blue Biotechnologies

Applications are open until 21st December 2020. Apply now!

Virtual meeting of Ocean4Biotech

The members of Ocean4Biotech have an annual MC meeting and WGs workshops.

Marine Science and Technology Conference in Lithuania

13. National Marine Science and Technology Conference in Lithuania took place from 7 to 9 October 2020. The traditional annual spring event had been moved to the autumn and took place online due to COVID -19.

Webinar ‘BioBites – Lets talk biotechnology’

‘BioBites – Let’s talk biotechnology’ webinar invites professionals, students and businesses to discuss projects and opportunities in the field of biotechnology. From blue biotechnology projects, to bio processing and industry,
