Target WG members: scientists with a marine ecology background, scientists, involved in metagenomics and transcriptomics studies, bioinformaticians, statisticians.
Task 1.1: Within this task the Action will establish an integral database of marine organisms identified in previous monitoring and research programmes in Ocean4Biotech countries, that have a biotechnological potential. This WG will harmonize the existing protocols to determine the optimal operational procedure for sampling, analysis of the water sample and other marine substrates.
Task 1.2: Since the development of ecologically or technologically relevant species typically depends on the research interest, time, financial and human resources limitations, the Action will also define the most appropriate high-throughput sequencing platforms and subsequent bioinformatic analyses that are necessary for an unbiased, precise and comprehensive overall screening of the marine organisms in the sample areas. These data will complement the datasets that have been compiled by standard taxonomic protocols. At least one STSM that will oversee compiling the database is planned. This database will serve as a starting point for selection of target species for biotechnology exploitation. At least 2 STSMs will be needed for developing/harmonising bioinformatics pipelines.