Dissemination Conference consists in an oral presentation by an Action Participant of the work of the Action in high-level conferences fully organized by a third party, i.e. not organized nor coorganized by the COST Action.
Dissemination Conference:
• Significantly increase visibility of the Action in the research community, can contribute to increasing visibility of the presenter;
• Attract additional participants and stakeholders and disseminate Action results to relevant end-users at high profile conferences in the field on a topic relevant to the Action.
– Application shall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms available. In this regard, applicants are informed that their application can be accessed by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.
– Applicants must upload their CV in their e-COST profile. This information will be visible to the by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.
To be filled in e-COST:
– Title of the presentation
– Conference title, date (within the active Grant Period) and country;
– Budget requested;
– Attendance Type (face to face or virtual).
To be uploaded to e-COST:
– Application form (template available on e-COST) describing: Relevance of the conference topic to the Action and Motivation describing the potential for impact on the applicant’s career.
– Copy of the abstract of the accepted oral or poster presentation;
– Acceptance (or invitation) letter from the conference organisers.
– Once the activity has ended, the grantee submits the required reports and relevant documentation in e-COST within 30 days after the end date of the activity.
– Claims the payment of the grant via e-COST;
The required report/documentation for claiming a STSM Grant is:
– Report to the Action MC on the outcome of the presentation of the accepted contribution, in terms of grantee’s visibility, including the establishment of new contacts for future collaborations.
– The certificate of attendance.
– The programme of the conference or book of abstracts / proceedings indicating the oral presentation of the grantee.
– Copy of the given presentation (oral or poster).
ITC conference grant is paid by the Grant Holder after the completion of the activity and approval of all required report/documentation.
Conference Grants do not necessarily cover all of the expenses related to participating in a given conference. A ITC conference grant providing contribution for travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, registration fee, printing of scientific poster and overall effort.
Amount of ITC conference grant*:
– Up to EUR 2 000,00 per grant for face to-face conferences.
– Up to EUR 500.00 for virtual conferences
* Decided by the Action MC or Core Group on proposal of the evaluators and should reflect the duration and location of the Conference.
For more info check the COST Annotated rules.