Ocean4biotech - Association of International Marine Biologists has been officially established!

Dr Maja Mucko presented Ocean4Biotech at the annual SRCE days conference,

The last Ocean4Biotech MC meeting and conference took place in Riga (Latvia) from March 4 to 7, 2024.

Slađana Rakita was awarded with a STSM grant titled “Safety and nutritive value of Ulva spp. collected from the Adriatic sea” to visit the Institute of Marine Biology, Montenegro.

Salim Kichouh Aiadi was granted with a STSM to conduct research hosted by Dr. Giovanna Romano at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN) in Naples (Italy).

Rafael Picazo Espinosa was awarded with an STSM grant to visit the CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal.

Bioinformatics workshop "POLYP BioInfoW: Ocean4Biotech Organisms Repository" in Sarajevo, January 2024.

Mariana Girão was awarded with a STSM at Fundación MEDINA, Spain, hosted by Dr. Fernando Reyes, to explore novel chemistry from a marine Actinomycetota.