Despoina Varamogianni – Mamatsi is a phD student at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of Hellenic Center for Marine Research in Crete (Greece). She was awarded with a STSM grant to visit the faculties of NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA) in Campus Caparica, Portugal.
During her staying, Despoina had the opportunity to establish an experimental protocol for the solvent extraction of sponge fragments derived from wild and farmed populations in collaboration with the Laboratory of Blue Biotechnology and Biomedicine of UCIBIO, FCT-NOVA. At the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology of Bacterial Pathogens (UCIBIO, FCT-NOVA), she assessed the biological activity of marine sponge extracts against gram-negative and gram-positive human pathogenic bacteria. Promising results were achieved in the blue biotechnology field for the exploitation of marine bioresources and the valorization of their natural products.
Moreover, a chemical characterization of the crude sponge extracts has been initiated by subjecting the samples to LC-MS/MS analysis at the analytical chemistry facilities of LAQV, FCT-NOVA for comparative quantification of the metabolites existing in the wild vs farmed species. To interpretate the tandem mass spectrometry results, the grant awardee built also a thorough sponge metabolite library for each of the aimed sponge genera.
The STSM allowed to Despoina to establish foundations for a promising collaboration in the field of marine biotechnology with sharing of experience, knowledge, state-of-the-art tools and technologies. This experience was enormously helpful to develop STSM participant’s skills and interests regarding marine biodiscovery and a great opportunity to foster links between home and host institution.