Andreas Christou is a scientific associate at Cyprus University of Technology, in the Chemical Engineering Department. He was awarded to a STSM at Hellenic Centre of Marine Research at the Heraklion, Crete. The title of this STSM is the following: “Deciphering Posidonia oceanica bacterial community to advance biodiscovery in the Levantine basin.”
At this STSM Andreas had the chance at accessing the high performance computing facilities of the host organization and receive intensive training on the QIIME2 pipeline for better elucidating microbial assemblies as a means for identifying niches of biodiversity and hotspots for biodiscovery.
He made a comparison with PEMA, QIIME2 and DADA2 pipelines were targeted to understand what these three pipelines have in common or differ regarding this type of microbiome. Readily available data from metabarcoding P. oceanica’s microbiome and H.stipulacea’s microbiome were analyzed from different ecological sites (habitats) in the Levantine Basin (Cyprus).