13. National Marine Science and Technology Conference was held on 7-9 October 2020.
The conference focused on the exchange of perspectives on marine research and technological development, on ways of using, preserving and protecting the marine environment, and on traditions of promoting marine culture and heritage.
During the conference two presentations were related to Ocean4Biotech.
The first presentation “International development of Lithuanian marine biotechnologies in the new COST networking project Ocean4Biotech“ was prepared by the Action participants from Lithuania Dr. Marija Kataržytė, Dr, Inga Matijošytė (MC members), Donata Overlingė and Rimantas Šiekštelė (MC substitutes) and their colleagues Jokūbas Krutkevičius and Dr. Nerijus Nika. The presentation included an explanation of the main challenges in the field of marine biotechnologies, the state of marine biotechnologies in the world and in Lithuania, and an introduction to CA18238 Ocean4Biotech and its main activities.
The second presentation “Research on Polyurethane Biodegradation“ was prepared Jokūbas Krutkevičius, Žydrūnė Deksnytė, Rimantas Šiekštelė and Ocean4Biotech MC members from Lithuania Dr. Marija Kataržytė and Dr. I. Matijošytė was based on the work carried out in the framework of the Action. The authors presented the problem of the pollution of the oceans by plastics and a possible biotechnological solution they are now working on – the research on polyurethane and its biodegradation, as well as the research methods and its results.
Book of abstracts can be found here.