October 2019 marked the launch of a very ambitious COST networking Action, Ocean4Biotech – European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology (https://www.ocean4biotech.eu/). We are a continuously growing passionate team of marine biotechnology experts, currently from 37 countries that are trying to consolidate knowledge and partnerships in this exciting field of marine biotechnology. You can read more about the general concept of our Action here: (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.00278/abstract).
We have built an inquiry, aimed to map all the players that are involved in any step of the marine biotechnology pipeline; basic research, innovation, product development, value chain activity, or infrastructure holder. We are therefore asking for your collaboration to fill in this inquiry and pass this invitation to any colleagues from your country and your collaborative networks within Europe. Any types of organizations are welcome to fill in the inquiry: academic and scientific institutions, SMEs and industry, civil society and policy making organizations, as well as potential investors. As marine biotechnology is a very transdisciplinary field, all types of experts are invited, from exact and natural sciences, engineering to social sciences and humanities. Our overall aim is to obtain a comprehensive mapping of individual experts, institutions and expertise. This is relevant for us to estimate the level of expertise and infrastructure within Europe. Importantly, this is relevant for you as well – it will give you the opportunity to showcase your expertise on the final output we will produce and display it on our website. When any marine biotechnology collaborations Will be established in future, anyone will be able to check on the website to find potential partners and their expertise. We strongly believe this could increase the likelihood of you being involved in new collaborations, and we therefore hope you agree with us that the results of this inquiry can represent a business/collaboration opportunity for you as well.
The inquiry should take you 20 minutes. More people from the same organization are invited to fill the inquiry, to get the most comprehensive information. Fill it in here (https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/single/::UKVsBNtD) and kindly spread the word about our initiative to provide a comprehensive overview of European marine biotechnology expertise and infrastructures!