On 12th of December, 2019, a seminar „Blue biotechnologies in Lithuania“ was organised at the Marine Research Institute, Klaipėda University (Lithuania). The seminar aimed to encourage discussion about the present situation and the perspectives of Blue Biotechnologies in Lithuania. During the seminar 4 presentations were given: dr. Inga Matijošytė from Vilnius University and Lithuanian Biotechnology Association presented – „Bioeconomy in Lithuania – present and perspectives“; public institution “Biostartas” founder Agnė Vaitkevičienė from Lithuanian Biotechnology Association talked about “Technology Transfer to Business”. Representatives of Marine Research Institute, Klaipėda University, dr. Nerijus Nika talked about “Blue biotechnology and it’s perspective at Marine Research Institute” and dr. Marija Kataržytė introduced to the COST activity “Ocean4Biotech”.
During the seminar, various aspects of Blue biotechnologies were addressed. Examples of already developed initiatives in Europe were presented as red algae wrack on the beaches that are utilized by growing beetle larvae that are later used as protein for feed production; algal bioactive substances that are used to treat chronic diseases; phytoplankton, unavoidable in food, biofuels and bioplastics production, septic and medium or fish skin used to treat grade III burns. The present initiatives as “Biology and Marine biotechnology” bachelor studies that are carried out by Klaipėda University were introduced, too. Klaipėda University, as well as Klaipėda city administration, is expecting to have a Blue breakthrough and setting this field of science as a strategic one. Questions were raised: “What is the experience and perspectives of the Marine Research Institute here”? “What place does blue biotechnology occupy in the Lithuanian biotechnology sector”. After the seminar, several ideas of further cooperation both in the studies and research area were discussed between representatives of Marine Research Institute, Lithuanian Biotechnology Association and Sector of Applied Biocatalysis, Life Center of Vilnius University.